Researchers have linked many age-related diseases to telomere length. Click on the resources below to learn about the findings on the association between telomeres and Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and more.
Telomere Dynamics in Immune Senescence and Exhaustion Triggered by Chronic Viral Infection
Chronic Diseases, Institutional StudyScientists from Department of Pathology, Center for Viral Pathogenesis, University of Kansas Medical Center, just published a review of how common chronic viral infections can lead to T-cell exhaustion and immune senescence.The authors r...
New test more effective at predicting survival in blood cancer patients
Chronic Diseases, Telomeres in the newsAverage telomere length dynamics were found to be predictive of disease progression in both bone marrow cancer myeloma and pre-leukemia myelodysplastic syndromes. Professor Duncan Baird, Cardiff University’s School of Medicine, is quote...
At ‘axis of aging and cancer’: Studies uncover new details about telomeres
Chronic Diseases, Telomeres in the news“Telomeres are really at the axis of aging and cancer. … We want our healthy cells to divide and our cancer cells to stop. Telomeres are really the key here.”… Read More