Previously in this blog, I summarized some of the clinical findings on the association between chronic stress and telomere length as well as the research into the impact of stress mitigation techniques. However a growing body of literature is beginning to look at how our telomere length is impacted by things that happen before we… Read More
How Does Intrauterine Stress Affect Offspring Telomere Length?
So you’re stressed. You are not alone – the American Psychological Association’s 2015 Stress in America Survey reports that 78% of American adults reported having experienced at least one symptom of stress last year. As we reviewed in my last blog post, there is a considerable body of research that associates chronic stress exposure with… Read More
Being stressed out seems to have become the normal condition of our modern lives. Work, school, parenting, caregiving, traffic, finances, the 24-hour news cycle, loneliness, loss of community, family pressures, health concerns—the list is long. In fact according to the National Institute of Mental Health, Americans are one of the most anxious nations in the… Read More